love thy neighbor


Sacred Tent is a group of Christian families that take in those without a home. We accept them into our homes and they become part of our families. Our goal is love them back into life, supporting them and challenging them, feeding them and sheltering them. It does not matter the path they walked before walking into our homes, we welcome the ill, the lonely, the refugees, Christians and non-Christians. Sacred Tent is part of a network over 180 Catholic Worker Communities around the globe, sharing the cornerstones of Prayer, Simplicity, Community, and Service.


With faith as our foundation, Sacred Tent values our deep relationship with God, trusting that He will guide our every word and action when we ask. Our community participates in prayerful solidarity nights, fasting from meat, electricity, or running water. And we gather weekly for Mass and evening prayer.


The Catholic Worker lifestyle was meant to be monastic. Joining in common prayer, household work, and activities brings great joy. We have a large garden, compost, beehives and lots of homemade bread. We try to be good stewards of the Earth as another way to take care of the poor.


The Sacred Tent community is made up of previous and current guests, host families, donors, and volunteers. Our monthly community nights are meant to understand and encourage one another, to see Christ in one another, and to fight for basic human rights such as the right to food, water, medicine and safe housing.


Catholic social teaching challenges us, as Christians, to share and even re-distribute our “talents” or goods. By living intimately with the poor and vulnerable, Sacred Tent is truly living out the corporal works of mercy. Please serve with us in the garden, as a caseworker, or become a radical host family!